If you are facing charges for driving under the influence of alcohol, the repercussions could be severe. Florida’s statutory law imposes serious punishments for DUIs that include financial penalties, jail time, and license revocation.
Here are some key considerations about DUI offenses in Florida.
Degrees of offense and Blood Alcohol Level
The severity of the charges and potential consequences for a DUI depend heavily on a person’s Blood Alcohol Level. The state’s legal limit is .08. If drivers’ BAL exceeds .15, it can raise the seriousness of an offense and enhance sentencing dramatically.
Jail time
Without previous offenses, DUI offenses may carry up to six months of jail time, and a sentence may be higher if there were aggravating factors such as a BAL above .15, bodily injury to another person or the presence of a minor in the vehicle. Repeat offenses have incrementally higher sentences.
The fees for a DUI can vary based on prior convictions or aggravating factors. Penalties for a first offense may be between $500 and $2000. A second offense may be between $1,000 and $4,000, and a third offense can carry penalties as high as $5,0000.
After a DUI, authorities may impound your vehicle. For a first offense, the state may take possession of your vehicle for ten days. For a second offense within five years of a DUI conviction, an impoundment could last thirty days. It may be possible to challenge an impoundment if you do not have any other access to transportation.
Ultimately, preparing a strong legal defense may help you avoid a DUI conviction and spare you from serious consequences.