Are you facing a serious drug charge? Being convicted of drug crimes can adversely affect the rest of your life. Understanding the charges you are facing and the penalties you could suffer is crucial.
Following are the three major categories of drug-related crimes, and the consequences of each charge.
1. Possession of a controlled substance
Possession is the least serious of the drug-related charges in the state of California, regulated under the United States Controlled Substances Act.
The drugs that fall under the controlled substances act include illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin and prescription drugs that are not legally prescribed to you such as oxycodone and valium. Marijuana is not considered a controlled substance; California Health and Safety Code 11357 covers possession of marijuana.
A conviction can bring jail time of up to one year and fines of up to $1,000.
2. Drug trafficking
Drug trafficking charges can result from actions as innocuous as crossing the street with pills in your pocket, and as serious as participating in large-scale drug operations. California defines trafficking as the sale and transportation of controlled substances. This more serious felony charge can result in jail time of up to 9 years and fines of up to $20,000.
3. Drug manufacturing
This is the charge for an individual suspected of creating or growing a controlled substance as defined above. While the penalties depend on the type and quantity of the drug involved, this felony can bring penalties of more than 20 years in prison and fines over $50,000.
Being convicted of drug crimes in California could result not only in fines and prison time but also appear on your permanent record forever. These charges on your background check may affect your ability to get ta job, a loan, or child custody. It is prudent to take these charges seriously.